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summit awards

Award Categories

Have you been involved in an exciting project? Do you work with or for a transportation professional or organization that deserves recognition? This is your chance. Below are some of the categories that we hope to present awards in.


The Fresno State Transportation Institute and Partners are looking for nominations of local and international transportation projects, professionals, and organizations for the 2023 awards consideration. The awards will be presented to the winning organizations and individuals at the Awards Session on October 27th.

​Deadline for Nominations - Monday, October 9th


The 2023 Fresno International Transportation Innovations Summit Individual Awards recognize individuals for outstanding achievements or leadership in transportation, or who through their work, support and advance the profession. Nominations can be made by anyone. Additional specific criteria governing each award must also be satisfied.


The 2023 Fresno International Transportation Innovations Summit Project Awards recognize outstanding projects for outstanding achievements. Nominations can be made by anyone. Additional specific criteria governing each award must also be satisfied.





The 2023 Fresno International Transportation Innovations Summit Business/Organization Awards recognize organizations for outstanding achievements or leadership in transportation, or who through their work, support and advance the profession. Nominations can be made by anyone. Additional specific criteria governing each award must also be satisfied.



Individual Award Categories

1. Transportation Professional in the Private Sector

Transportation professional (e.g. engineer, planner, or advocate) in the private sector who has outstanding achievement and has made a significant local impact to the field of transportation (e.g. engineering, planning, or advocacy).

2. Transportation Professional in the Public Sector

Transportation professional (e.g. engineer, planner, or advocate) in the public sector who has outstanding achievement and has made a significant local impact to the field of transportation engineering or planning.

3. Lifetime Achievement

Transportation engineer, planner, or advocate who, through their innovative efforts and long-term local involvement, have advanced the field of transportation (e.g. engineering, planning, or advocacy).

4. Outstanding Leadership

An individual who has shown exceptional leadership in the local transportation sector.

5. Outstanding Student

Elementary school, high school, college, or university undergraduate or graduate student working on transportation-focused projects or programs and has shown outstanding local work.

6. Young Transportation Professional

Transportation professional (e.g. engineer, planner, or advocate) aged 35 years or younger who has exhibited professional achievements and services in the local transportation sector.

Individual Award Application

Please have all the required information ready before beginning the nomination process.

You may use the Microsoft Word document, available through the link below, to assist you in compiling
and organizing your nomination. When you have all of the individual nomination information ready,
please copy and paste it into the corresponding fields below.

Submit one nomination for each nominated individual. Please check one of the boxes below that apply
to the nominated person and complete all required information as indicated by the *. There is no limit
to the number of nominations that can be submitted.

Regarding Uploads

Please use the online form, which allows uploading images of your nominated

Please email the awards chair listed below or the Fresno State Transportation Institute email, if you face any issues.

Application Deadline is October 9th.

Application and required documents are due by the above date to be considered for the award.

Awards Committee Chair
Dr. Xiaojun Li



Project Award Categories

1. Active Transportation Project

Transportation project that has promoted active transportation and non-motorized transportation.

2. Complete Street Project

Transportation project that has considered different modes of transportation, connectivity, accessibility, etc.

3. Innovative Project

Innovative transportation project that has exhibited ambitious ideas to mitigate traffic, reduce greenhouse gas, etc.

4. Safety

Transportation project that has reduced traffic crashes.

5. Public Transportation

Transportation project that has increased ridership, improved accessibility, etc.

6. Outreach/ Education Project

Transportation project that has increased public knowledge of transportation issues, raise awareness of greenhouse gases, etc.

Project Award Application

Please have all the required information ready before beginning the nomination process.

You may use the Microsoft Word document, available through the link below, to assist you in compiling
and organizing your nomination. When you have all of the individual nomination information ready,
please copy and paste it into the corresponding fields below.

Submit one nomination for each nominated individual. Please check one of the boxes below that apply
to the nominated person and complete all required information as indicated by the *. There is no limit
to the number of nominations that can be submitted.

Regarding Uploads

Please use the online form, which allows uploading images of your nominated

Please email the awards chair listed below or the Fresno State Transportation Institute email, if you face any issues.

Application Deadline is October 9th.

Application and required documents are due by the above date to be considered for the award.

Awards Committee Chair
Dr. Xiaojun Li



Organization/Business Award Categories

1. Outstanding Transportation Organization

Transportation organization (e.g. a planning or an engineering firm, business, or department) with significant contributions to sustainable mobility.

2. Outstanding NPO

Transportation NPO with significant contributions to sustainable mobility.

3. Outstanding Bicycle Business

A bicycle-focused business that has been making significant (and innovative) contributions
promoting bicycling and safe bicycling in the region

Organization/Business Award Application

Please have all the required information ready before beginning the nomination process.

You may use the Microsoft Word document, available through the link below, to assist you in compiling
and organizing your nomination. When you have all of the individual nomination information ready,
please copy and paste it into the corresponding fields below.

Submit one nomination for each nominated individual. Please check one of the boxes below that apply
to the nominated person and complete all required information as indicated by the *. There is no limit
to the number of nominations that can be submitted.

Regarding Uploads

Please use the online form, which allows uploading images of your nominated

Please email the awards chair listed below or the Fresno State Transportation Institute email, if you face any issues.

Application Deadline is October 9th.

Application and required documents are due by the above date to be considered for the award.

Awards Committee Chair
Dr. Xiaojun Li

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